Tuesday, March 24, 2009


有好一段时期没有写部落格了。。因为近期又在忙起来了,找到一份工作在Starhill的JOGOYA。那里的生意很好咯,每个人都忙得不可开交。那里的同事大多数都从缅甸过来的,问过那里的同事, 他们都来了这里三年,就在这陌生的环境生活了三年。他们还对我说,缅甸是个很乱的国家,到处都是军人 “ Myammar No Good, Many Army around, No Good" 而且,告诉我那位是以前在缅甸的Master of Economics 的大学生,竟然都走来大马打工。可想象成,缅甸是个怎样的国家。和缅甸比起来,马来西亚可好得多了。在马来西亚的人民,每个人都有工作不用烦恼。真的觉得他们挺可怜的,离乡背井来到大马,还要来到一个陌生的地方居住,所以我觉得自己是身在福中,不知福啊,生长在一个那么好的环境,却不好好读书,唉 。。。。。 他们的做工时间比我长,他们从下午1 30 pm 做到凌晨 1 30 am,哇塞!!!整天耶。而且他们的手脚没有停过下来的,一直在做,就除了下午5点的那个时段,大家聚下来一起吃午餐,有说有笑的了,他们工作的烦恼几乎被他们的笑容铺盖了。
在这里做了都差不多两个星期了,也慢慢的习惯了这里的环境。可是,对那些饭菜开始感得厌倦了,每天都是鸡, 煮法差不多每次都一样。。哇劳!!!顶不顺!!! 如果有得吃餐厅里面的事物就好了。
对!!!!这个月三十号就知道被录取还是不被录取了,希望可以被录取吧,而且是我自己喜欢的科系。哈哈,可是我总觉得录取的机会很渺茫,我的SPM result 并不理想。也不抱着重大的希望,人家总说希望越大,失望越大所以也不带着重大的希望去面对。当然如果能去到新加坡深造是好,因为有姐姐在,有照应,二来可以体会在新加坡的生活,我真的太喜欢新加坡了,虽然新加坡是个小国,可是和马来西亚来比,新加坡可好的多。
写着写着,竟然写得那么长,好了就写到这吧。。晚安 !!! 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Future=???

As I can say, this is consider as an emo post, if you guys don't like it can just ignore it. ( no one will read my blog de lar). It have been a month after my last resit paper. Times flies, and also since the early of the feb, I had stop My jobs in STARBUCKS. Why I stopped My job in STARBUCKS ?As I know,because of My bad performance lor... that's why my name doesn't appear in the work scedule and I am such a STUPID USELESS ASS. So, now everyday I just sit at home and trying to find some hotel jobs or find some computer courses  in order to save up my time and in order to reduced spending the time in front of the computer 
Now My future =????? There are many question mark surrounding My mind, how would I be in the future ??  I have no idea, even my mom, my sisters, my friends  they ask me, what you want to be in the future ?? I was like oopss... I dont know how to answer them in that moment, because My Mind was blank .Sometimes, I am quite envy some of my friends because they have their mission and vision and for themself, my future look so BLACK and GLOOMY. ANYONE SLAP ME PLEASE. I hope I can be awake after SLAPED by someone but I know it's IMPOSSIBLE and no use.. 

Arrghhhhhhhh... Can anyone teach me how to do ?? how I go to overcome this?? I am wonder ?? and yeah.. Just now My mom said, she will gonna keep my lappie from tomorow onwards because I have been online for whole day without doing anything. So, I think I will be away  for a long periods.. thats good for me too, at least I won't neglected my studies just for online the whole days. 
