Thursday, January 22, 2009

Screw Up

This afternoon was My 1st day of exam. This morning I woke up early about 8 am in the morning and went to library for My last revision. In library, I go through again the questions that I spotted that will came out in the exam and I was so confidence with Myself during that period but during the exam, I " SCREWED IT" I was so disappointed when I looked at the exam's questions, its was totally not the same with what I spotted and read before, its totally different but luckily there is one of the question that I have confidence and know how to answer it and the other I just write whatever in my mind but I don't think I can pass this time and I am gonna resit this paper again.... SIGH.. this is an outcome of last minutes and why I still keep on repeating it as I know its a bad habit.. I wonder WHY ?? I thought I can do it but It was not, I am not dare to see what how My result is when the result release. 
Well, after nagging so much, I think I should study hard for my coming paper, its " Strategic Management for Hospitality industry.. I hope I can do better than the F&B paper and the Marketing one...Best of Lucks to Myself..and everyone who are having exams now.. Gambatte and Best of Lucks Guys..  Jia You.. Jia You.. 

Sunday, January 18, 2009


星期五下午,收到舅舅的来电,告诉我妈我的大姨去世了,当时接到了这个消息顿时沉默了一下。。 大姨的离去对他来说是一种解脱吧,因为大姨的身体很弱,没有胃口吃东西,连话也不说,只是每次闭上眼睛睡在床上,整个人都消瘦了许多,以前说话理直气壮的他,现在也变得一话不说了。 
昨晚出席了大姨的丧礼,见到大姨睡在棺木的面貌很慈祥,睡得很甜,并祝他早登极乐,成仙成佛。在昨晚的丧礼也见到许多亲戚,昨晚的气氛也不会感到很沉重,因为大姨的离去也是,也是在我们预料之中,看见我表妹的部落格写着“大姑妈”也就是我的大姨说,大姨很体贴, 因为他选择在这个星期离去也避免在新年时离去,要不然 别的邻居在烧鞭炮而表哥们则在烧银纸,也少许多新年的气氛. 
说完了悲事,也是喜事咯。。。 那就是我表哥的儿子出生咯。。。哈哈。在表妹的msn 看到他很可爱哦。希望他快高长大,健健康康的成长。 
好了,就到这儿吧。。祝大家新年快乐,万事如意, 健健康康迎牛年。。=) Happy 牛 Year